Uploading video files


  • The video server can be reached via the name videoserver3.rz.uni-kiel.de .
  • To transfer files you have to establish a connection to your network share.
    To do this you have to be part of the university network ( VPN-connection).
  • Your network share is
    \\videoserver3.rz.uni-kiel.de\caulehre\suabc123 .
  • suabc123 is a placeholder and means your account.
  • Your username is uni-kiel\suabc123 . The password needed is the corresponding account password, that you need to set via CIM-Portal if you are not using it already for other services.


In Windows mounting a network share works as follows:

  • Windows Explorer
  • Click "This computer" with the right mouse button.
  • Choose "connect network drive"
  • Folder: \\videoserver3.rz.uni-kiel.de\caulehre\suabc123  (in special cases another folder can be used)
  • username: uni-kiel\suabc123
  • password (account password of suabc123)



  • Finder -> go to -> connect to server
  • smb://uni-kiel\suabc123@videoserver3.rz.uni-kiel.de/caulehre/suabc123


Further information concerning "connection to network share", see https://www.rz.uni-kiel.de/de/tipps/netzlaufwerk_verbinden