OER - Open Educational Resources

Open Educational Resources (OER) and Open Educational Practices (OEP) are innovative digital building blocks of modern teaching - digital media that can be freely used, modified and processed, or new knowledge practices that incorporate the production of teaching material in teaching and school lessons as OER. Read more. The Kiel University's project Open Educational Resources serves to introduce and establish OER and OEP at Kiel University and includes, among other things, the development of an OER platform as an information and networking portal as well as the conceptualization of consulting and training services for the use of existing OER concepts, incorporating consulting, training and workshop formats and expertise existing at Kiel University. In addition to the computing center with Kiel University's e-learning service, the project participants and interfaces include Kiel University's Centre for Teacher Training, the Schleswig-Holstein Student Research Centre Network and the Leibniz Institute for Science and Mathematics Education (IPN).
