CAU-Cloud Sync & Share

yes/jastudents yes/jaemployees yes/jafaculties no/neinstud. unions

The computing centre provides storage for exchanging  and  processing  files with collaboration partners. Space is limited to 20 GB per user and is available to all employees and students of Kiel University.

There are different ways of access:

  • access via web interface
  • local access via sync client
  • access via network share
  • access via mobile client


Important: In the CAU-Cloud the data is attributed to a single owner and are deleted 6 month after the owners account is closed. Therefore it is quite important to transfer the ownership of shared data to the colleagues. You can find more information about this in the CAU-Cloud data lifecycle.

The web interface . . .

offers simple access to the data, but is also used to manage the sharing of  files with collaboration partners. The web interface is accessed via

The sync client . . .

is a program for automatic synchronization of data. Files can be edited locally even without a network connection; the changes are synchronized back into the CAU-Cloud when a network connection is available again.

The sync client is available for all common operating systems (Windows, MacOS and Linux). If your computer is managed by the Client Management System Matrix42, you can install the sync client from the Matrix Kiosk. Otherwise the application can be downloaded from the Nextcloud homepage.

On devices with limited storage, it is possible to synchronize only part of the data. This is particularly useful if you also have access to other data storage services via the CAU-Cloud.

You can find additional information on using the web interface in the Hints & Howtos section.

The network share . . .

is a way to access the data in the CAU-Cloud without transferring the files.

On Windows computers network shares can be integrated by the Connect Network Drive function of the Windows Explorer. With this access option, a permanent network connection is necessary.

Mobile clients . . .

provide access to the files in the CAU-Cloud similar to the web interface. Unlike the sync client, the data is not copied to the mobile device, but individual files can be downloaded. Management of sharing options is possible.

The mobile clients are provided by Nextcloud for iOS and Android and are available in the app stores ( Apple AppStore or Google PlayStore ).


In case of any questions or problems please contact the Hotline, or (Mo-Fr. 9-16) by phone 880-5555.


The Sync and Share Service is available to all employees via their account and does not have to be applied for separately.


Normally the service is available around the clock.

Service hours

Error reports are possible via the hotline form around the clock via the hotline form or the support address