Microsoft Office (and Windows 10 Education) for Kiel University students

For an annual fee of € 4,99 Kiel University students can use the latest version of Microsoft Office on several of their own devices (pcs, macs, ipads and android tablets). Moreover, this enables them to use Windows Education 10 without any further charges.


With the costly entry of Kiel University into the Microsoft federal contract (a so-called EES rental contract for the usage of Microsoft products on Kiel University devices) the producer also supplies Kiel University students with a cost-effective Microsoft Office (and Windows 10 Education) for on their own devices.

Please note, that realisation, supply and support for this 'Student Advantage Benefit (SAB)', as it is called by Microsoft, is conducted entirely by the contractor DrVis. Kiel University solely provides authentication mechanisms for identifying a person as a student of Kiel University. In case of any problems or questions regarding SAB usage or installation, please mail directly to DrVis:

Latest news

  • 1.11.2018: No more OneNote via this offer
    Message from DrVis on 1.11.2018: 'By the way, I would like to point out that in Office 365 ProPlus, Microsoft was the first to remove OneNote and only make it available as a WebApp. While previously local storage of OneNote data was still possible in Windows (but not on Mac or mobile devices), as of now it is no longer possible on any platform. This is because the WebApp has the same sync client built in on all platforms. As a result, OneNote as part of Office 365 ProPlus is no longer available to your students through our offering or generates an error when attempting to use it.'

  • If your Office 365 account is expired or locked, please refer to the RZ-FAQ.

Purchase options/ order process

If interested, students can turn to an terms and conditions as well as data protection declaration (both provided only in German) of DrVis are pointed out explicitly in advance. Checking out the documents prior to purchase is highly recommended. In case the terms and conditions and the data protection declaration are accepted, the next step is to select the article 'Office 365 Pro Plus Universität Kiel':

First, please select 'Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel'. Then please enter your stu account and your password. After this, the customer can decide what kind of information will be provided to DrVis and will then be directed to the purchase options.

No cloud functionality

Microsoft establishes the deployment of SAB within the scope of their  Office365 offer, which actually has a main focus on Cloud usage. Nevertheless, the desired installation and usage of Office on private devices of students is considered as a concurrent offer.

Please note, that Kiel University ordered their SAB contract partners DrVis to deactivate all Cloud functionalities, which are usually provided by Microsoft. This, for example, also includes providing disk space via OneDrive in the Microsoft Cloud: Thus, the regarding offer does not include any disk space in the Microsoft Cloud.

Background circumstances:
The usage of Cloud services by institutions is controversially discussed. The main focus are data protection issues, but also a possible 'loss of knowledge'. The 'Independent Centre for Privacy Protection', which is relevant for Schleswig Hostein, concludes section 7.3 in the current progress report No. 35 with: 'Öffentliche und nicht öffentliche Stellen in Schleswig-Holstein müssen leider derzeit auf das wegen seiner Funktionalität zweifellos attraktive Angebot Office 365 von Microsoft verzichten.' Thus, at the moment, public and non-public authorities in Schleswig-Holstein have to forgo the undoubtedly attractive Office 365 offer.

This statement can be considered in combination with the contract partners' position, due to which Kiel University takes full responsibility for usage and adherence to the Cloud licensing agreement with the deployment of 'Kiel University Office 365' (which seems to be mandatorily connected to the activation of SAB). (please see DrVis-Impressum). (in German)

We kindly ask you for your understanding, that the Cloud functionality has to stay deactivated until a detailed legal assessment.

Furthermore, at this point, the external FAQ entry (in German) 'Kann ich mein privates Microsoft Konto mit dem Office 365 Konto verbinden?' should be pointed out, in which the question: 'Is it possible to connect my private Microsoft account to the Office 365 account?' is answered.

Data protection

Please note, that Kiel University does not reveal any relevant data of students to a third party. Only an abstract ID, which does not allow to draw any conclusions about the personal data of the regarding student or that the ID belongs to a Kiel University student, is transmitted. The decision whether to state personal data on the DrVis loginpage or not, is left to the prospective customer.

The external data protection FAQ entry (in German) of DrVis should also be pointed out: Erfüllt dieses Portal die Datenschutzgesetze? in which the question 'Does this portal meet data protection requirements?' is answered.

Windows 10 Education

Consistent with the Microsoft message regarding Windows 10 Education for students also a free of charge Windows 10 Education offer has been added to the above mentioned 'officefuerbildung'-portal. After a login with the above mentioned validation key, a Windows 10 Education key can be received within the portal. 'officefuerbildung' operates as a front end for the provider Kivuto, which is also mentioned in the Microsoft message above. Further information (in German) can be obtained here: Help and hints - Windows 10 Education by DrVis.