Installation on macOS

The CAU-Cloud uses the software Nextcloud. You can download the most recent version of the desktop sync client on the maintainers homepage.

Download dialog des Anbieters
On the download page you will find different desktop sync clients for Windows, MacOS as well as Linux. Please choose macOS.

macOS Installer - Willkommensseite
At the start of the installation process you will see a welcome dialog. Press "Next" to get to the next screen.

Client Installation - Ziel-Festplatte wählen
Now you can choose the installation destination. For most users the default should be fine, but eel free to change if needed. Press "Install" to begin the installation process.

Client Installation erfordert Admin-Berechtigungen
To start the installation process, please authenticate yourself as a system administrator.

To allow integration into the finder you will have to give permissions for this explicitly.

Client Installation Erfolgreich beendet
During the installation you can see a progress bar on the top. After a couple of seconds the installation should be finished.

Client Installation - Start der Anwendung im Finder
After the installation you will have to start the application "nextcloud" via your usual methods like Spotlight or the applications folder. Now you can begin with the account setup. You can find additional information on the setup and usage of the desktop sync client in this tutorial.

Client Installation - Autostart aktivieren
After the installation the default setting does not allow the desktop sync client to start automatically. In the general settings menu you can activate the autostart feature of the sync client.