Installation of KeePassXC on Windows (portable version)

The manufacturer provides a so-called portable version of KeePassXC on its website. This version does not require administrator rights during installation. If you are unsure whether you need the 32-bit or 64-bit version, try the 32-bit version if in doubt.

After the download you will receive the software as a compressed file with the extension .zip. When you open this file, you will see a single folder:
Der komprimierte Programmordner

Move this folder to the desired location, e.g. to the desktop or, if you want to use the program on different computers, to a USB stick.

To start the software, run the program "KeePassXC.exe" in the folder. (Please note: you can move the entire folder as you wish, but you may not drag the program itself out of the folder).
Inhalt des Programmordners. Starten Sie KeePassXC.exe