Distributed Calendar

The computing center offers all users of the Hermes Mailservers a calendar service. These calendars can be used in various programs and if necessary they could be used multiple users as well. The username and password for the mail service is also valid for the calendar service. This is in line with the stu-accounts of students.

The calendar is available here: https://cal.mail.uni-kiel.de

Settings for programms and/or devices:

Mozilla Lightning
caldav-URL: https://cal.mail.uni-kiel.de/ucaldav/user/<USERNAME>/calendar


Apple iCal, iPhone und iPod touch
caldav-URL: https://cal.mail.uni-kiel.de/ucaldav/principals/users/<USERNAME>/
Android (Plugins von dmfs.org)
caldav-URL: https://cal.mail.uni-kiel.de/ucaldav/user/<USERNAME>/
carddav-URL: https://cal.mail.uni-kiel.de/ucarddav/user/<USERNAME>/